Pregnancy Support
Pregnancy is a time filled with many emotions, some of which take us by surprise.
Are you celebrating your healthy pregnancy and wondering what to expect in the months ahead?
Or maybe you just found out that the second embryo split and now you’re having 3 babies!
Are you conflicted about the pregnancy altogether and worried about how this will change your life?
Did something stressful happen during the pregnancy that has you really worried? Maybe a job loss, the need to move, or you lost your insurance?
Pregnancy can be joyous and worrisome at the same time. It is possible to feel excited about your future baby and conflicted as you consider the impact pregnancy and parenting will have on your life.
At Babies, Kids, and Families, we love to help moms and partners anticipate and plan for a healthy, well-managed pregnancy, labor, and birth. We help you plan for the expected and consider the unexpected so you have a plan ‘just in case.’ We support you and the type of pregnancy and delivery that feels right for you and join you in the process of preparing for parenthood. We collaborate with other perinatal and birth professionals if/as needed and welcome a team approach.
Having a therapist during your pregnancy is a great way to gain support, have a sounding board, and help you work through any difficult emotional issues that may arrise.
Contact us to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to learn more.